
Remote and hybrid working laws continue to evolve worldwide
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Working from home
iStock.com/Arsenii Palivoda
Nitish Raj is a member of the HR Law (Employment & Labour) team at Nishith Desai Associates
Nitish Raj is a member of the HR Law (Employment & Labour) team at Nishith Desai Associates
Vikram Shroff
Vikram Shroff is leader of the HR Law (Employment & Labour) team at Nishith Desai Associates

An often debated topic in 2022, work-from-home (WFH) arrangements looks set to be a considerable bone of contention between workers and their employers in 2023. A survey by Randstad India concluded that 71% of workers prefer companies that allow a WFH option along with flexible working hours, while 50-55% prefer coming to the office three days per week.