
The storm before the calm: managing employer reputation in employment disputes
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British Daily Newspapers
Merrill April
Merrill April is a partner specialising in whistleblowing claims at CM Murray, part of the Innangard international employment law alliance
Gus Sellitto
Gus Sellitto is managing director of legal sector communications consultancy Byfield. He has particular expertise in representing clients in employment disputes
Pia Sanchez
Pia Sanchez is a senior consultant at CM Murray specialising in all aspects of contentious and non-contentious international employment law

In May, we witnessed Dominic Cummings – the disgruntled former chief advisor to Boris Johnson – make a series of explosive claims about serious mistakes by the government in its response to the covid-19 pandemic.

During seven hours of political theatre worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy, the ex-advisor bombarded the government with highly charged accusations of ineptitude (termed “Domshells” by one media commentator) which – according to Cummings – led to the needless deaths of thousands of people during the early stages of the pandemic.