
Standby duties: the ECJ’s synthesis of Slovenian judgments and a question of compensation
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Medieval sun dial clock at church wall in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Willy van Eeckhoutte
Willy van Eeckhoutte is a professor in the University of Ghent, member of the bar at the Supreme Court of Belgium, and an employment law specialist at Bellaw, part of the Innangard international employment law alliance

“Every judge in the EU is actually an EU judge, because every judge applies European rules.” It is one of the boutades of Koen Lenaerts, the president of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). “The judicial application of European law is characterised by a continuous dialogue between the Court of Justice and the national judge”, is another statement he often makes. Two recent judgments highlighted in this article are a good illustration of this.

Standby time can be working time