
New obligations when posting employees to Spain
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Álvaro Fernández
Álvaro Fernández is a senior associate specialising in international labour law, compliance, and internal investigations at Cuatrecasas
Iván Preciado
Iván Preciado is an associate advising on all areas of labour law, including social security and occupational health and safety, at Cuatrecasa

The surge in global mobility and international remote working practices give special significance to recent changes in Spanish law covering the transnational posting of workers for the provision of services. This is especially true in the context of the pandemic and the increasing sensitivity of companies towards socially sustainable policies.

The amendment of Spanish Law 45/1999 went into effect on 28 April 2021, when Spanish Royal DecreeLaw 7/2021, which transposes EU Directives on several matters, was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish State.